Monday, 9 January 2012

Hello and welcome to my new minecraft blog!

Hey guys,

First off - Thankyou so much for taking your time out to have a look at my Minecraft blog.
Secondly - In this post i will be describing to you what content this blog will have, who i am and what i do.

My name is Eddie Jenner. I am 17 years old and i am an avid gamer, whom has played games since he was just a young lad. Ranging from consoles, handheld's, arcade games and PC gaming which is currently what i am doing  to date. What are my hobbies you say? You just read them, apart from the odd hobby of being a handy man, i am a gamer by heart. I don't have ALL day to play games though, i am currently at college studying Motor Vehicle which i would not class as being chosen due to it being a hobby, but as a career choice. So that is me and all you need to know for now.

Now for the description of the blog. I will do this in bullet points as it will be a lot more simple to read and saves you from reading even more barney!

  • What is your intention of this blog? - My intentions of this blog are to cover the general gameplay of minecraft which includes tutorials, projects i am working on, updates/news and a lot more!
  • How often do you plan on updating this blog? - I am on my PC every day for at least 3 hours so it should be every day if not then it won't be more then a few days unless my attention is required somewhere else more important.
  • Do you have any other social/media websites? - Yes, i have a youtube channel which is: This channel contains gameplay of many games incl. minecraft, game commentaries and more!
  • How can i contact you with questions/information? - My email is:
  • Do you play with your fans? - Yes, i have done so in many cases and enjoy doing so.
  • What games do you have and play most? - I have over 40 games but i mostly play Minecraft, Terraria, Battlefield 3, Your doodles are bugged!, Audiosurf and Dungeon Defenders!
I think that covers most things! So once again, thankyou very much for reading and i hope to see you again!

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